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Learn About NorthRidge Church Windham, NH

Jesus is Alive — His Church should be too — Not boring. We love kids — We honor age — We impact families. We are a Great Commission Driven church. It’s about a relationship not religion or rituals.

Great friends are made at our fellowship events.

The NorthRidge Culture

Young adults infront of Northridge Church Windham NH
Pastor Mike Mills and Wife Ellen Mills

Meet Mike and Ellen Mills

Pastor Mike Mills

Rev. Michael Mills is the founding pastor of NorthRidge Church. Mike began in ministry during the 1970's Jesus Movement Revolution and has traveled as an evangelist in churches, universities, high schools, stadiums and arenas. Through his speaking ministry, sports outreach, radio broadcasts and pastorate, thousands have made decisions for Christ. Mike has authored numerous gospel tracts and pamphlets including, "The Bottom Line Spiritual Survey," and "The Tactful Witnessing Guide" Moody Press. Mike & Ellen's love story began 45 years ago in Michigan when Mike's sister introduced her beautiful college roommate from Chester, NH to Mike. The rest is history. Ellen is a role model for all ages of women and is the director of children's ministries and women's events. Mike and Ellen have three young adult children who are all involved at NorthRidge Church. The Mills family ski & surf and love NH with the mountains, lakes, beaches and most important, the people.

Northridge Church Band in Windham, NH

"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Jesus | John 10:10

We love our growing

church family.

Kid fun at Northridge Church in Windham, NH

Our Sunday service is the best hour of your week.

Truth matters — The Bible

is our authority.

Speaker at Northridge Church in Windham, NH

We give joyfully —

God loves a cheerful giver.

JESUS is coming again. 

The Rapture — Perhaps Today!

Why We Exist

The Vision of NorthRidge Church

Our vision for NorthRidge Church is simple. We exist to Reach Up, Reach Out, and Reach In. These three are the biblical mandates of the local church.

We Reach Up

We work hard to provide an exciting and God-honoring environment for worship. When we worship God, we express our love and devotion to Him. What an honor it is to humbly come before the Creator of the Universe. All of us are wired for worship, and the only way we can express true love to God and worship Him is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Northridge Church band in Windham, NH

We Reach Out

Another key purpose of North Ridge is to reach out to people who are outside the family of God. Every day, we rub shoulders with people who are just an invite away from a life-changing encounter with Christ. Invite your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to attend North Ridge Services and events  so they will hear and understand what it means to be a follower of Christ.

We Reach In

We also exist to help you “LIVE THE LIFE” as a Christ-follower, grow in your spiritual maturity and become a full-court follower of Christ. Because the Christian life is one of constant growth and development, we are focused on providing biblical principles that can be applied to everyday life. We want to help you move from a spectator in the stands to the game of active service.


What We Believe

What We Believe

The Beliefs of NorthRidge Church

We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that repentance from sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and relationship with God. We believe in following the precepts and practices set forth in Scripture.

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